Netflix - Money Heist Street Art BTS Film
Project Title : Netflix Money Heist Street Art BTS Film
Director : Vaibhav Dhandha
Produced by : Supari Studios
Dated : December 2021

About the Project
Money Heist is no doubt one of the biggest shows on Netflix, with the amount of following it garnered for the last season, Team Supari Studios with Bollywood Art Project helmed by Sir Ranjit Dahiya and in collaboration with Yantri, Murals giving an ode to characters from Money Heist were painted across towns like Mumbai, Hyderabad.
Working as a Visual Designer and Motion Graphics Artist on the film with the amazing team at Supari, it was fascinating to work on multiple Hyperlapses, showcasing the everlasting efforts by the mural painters. I worked closely with Vaibhav to achieve the film look required for a BTS Film which involved making overlays, negative scan frames and images that went under treatment to achieve a desired 16 mm film look.
Grateful for this opportunity and for the trust that the team showed in order to achieve the visual language of the film.